Thursday, April 19, 2007

Out Of the Closet...


i just want to ask, how do u get out of a make-believe scene that your family and friends expect you to be a straight guy when at the back of their minds they know you're not?


Peeping Tom


Ei you Peeping Tom!

To be honest, you can't. Staying in a world of make-believe is a choice that they've made for themselves and it is not your problem if they decide to stay in this world despite the facts presented to them.

Those who choose to live in a make-believe world that you are straight when they know that you aren't do this because they can't accept the reality of the situation. Why? Because they believe that there is something wrong with the choice that you made.

It boils down to what they think about homosexuality. Most definitely, they see it as either something evil, something that may harm you, or something that's just normal. For whatever reason, they believe that things shouldn't be that way.

One thing is for sure, they care for you. They pretend that they don't know because they are concerned with what you feel so instead of trying to change you, they just try to change the way they see you.

At times, you need not say anything to admit or deny something. Just give them time to absorb, then accept what happened and they will eventually be able to break away from their illusion.

Most importantly, show them that you are happy with the decision that you made and prove them other than your sexual orientation, nothing really changed and you're still the same person they've always known.

Thanks for asking this very personal question.

Just Ask Anytime Now!

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