Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ala V for Vendetta

"One man's terrorist, is another's freedom fighter."
agree or not? what is terrorism?



V for Vendetta.

I agree that this can be true though I can't cite an instance that I've known this to be true. Who ever is at power can make any act of rebellion a ruthless plot of terrorism. Its a defence mechanism to protect their status.

Bloodshed without reason is terrorism. Therefore, if I am the ruler and I don't acknowledge your ideology, your acts to oppose my will is terrorism to me.

To be honest, I don't think that terrorist do acknowledge themselves as terrorist. I don't believe that anyone would do something that they think is bad (at least for themselves). There is a deeper reason, a much meaningful motive, to the "terrorism" that we see today. However, we don't see their reason as reasonable as they do and we can't consider their meanings as meaningful as they can.

Unfair it may seem, that is life. It is the strugglle of beliefs and ideologies.

Thanks for asking!

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